Sunday, August 24, 2014

Vegan Craftivist Kits Now Available!

If you would like to take part in this project but don't have materials, then send an email to vegancraftivist (AT) for a vegan craftivist kit.
Many colors and patterns are available, so be sure to let me know your color preference.

Once completed, then mail your banner back! It all fits in a standard letter sized envelope.
Once I collect 100 banners from vegans world-wide, I will be sewing them together to display in vegan establishments and demonstrations.
Why vegan craftivism? Because we can make an impact for non-human animals through craft. By creating, I hope to make others think "Why Vegan for Non-human Animals." 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Second Craftivism Event in Lausanne... on Saturday, October 4th at 3pm in Bubble Cafe.

RSVP here:


Le deuxieme evenement Craftivism Végétalien à Lausanne est le Samedi, Oct. 4th, Bubble Café.

RSVP ici:

See you there - à bientot! :)

Submission #6

            "I'm vegan because for just a tiny little bit of extra effort on my part (which in any case is mainly caused by other people, not by the actual vegan way of life), I can help stop needless suffering. Animals are beings in themselves and it costs me nothing to respect that, and instead actually benefits both my health and the health of this planet."
- Jade, UK/Switzerland 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Submission #5

"I always preferred to observe animals rather then torture them, so it was the first thing that came to my mind, when I thought of the reasons why I'm vegan - I don't want animals to suffer. It just feels right and always did. I hope this project will show that there are many of us, who care for animals and don't wish them any harm."

-Meg, Poland/Switzerland 

Submission #4

"Je l'ai fait parce que j'aime la vie, la nature,et les animaux, et j'aimerais que cette belle energie vole dans ce monde qui en a besoin de notre respectuese presence ephemere..."  
-Alessandra, Switzerland 

Submission #3

By Paloma, Switzerland 

Monday, August 4, 2014

First Ever Vegan Craft-In!

The craft-in was a great first event, which I hope to be able to repeat very soon.

I also have virtual vegan craft-ins in the works so stay tuned :)

I'm collecting banners via mail, so do send me an email when you have yours done for the address (see the how to tab above on the project guidelines)

I'll be posting the new submissions in the next couple of days. For now, here's some of yesterday's event (I forgot to take a group photo!):

Thank you to everyone that took part and also to Collection V - L'Age D'Homme for lending us their space for getting our craft on!