Sunday, October 12, 2014

Submission #10

"Every day I make choices that align my actions with my morality. I'm vegan because compassion for nonhuman animals is part of my morality." 

-Julia, Puerto Rico/USA

Submission #9


"Je suis vegan pour les animaux parce que je les 
considére comme fréres et soeurs, et je les aimes beaucoup.

Je joindré cet projet parce que j'aimerais que ce 
message voyage et sois écouté dans le monde!"

-Alessandra, Switzerland 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Submission #8

"A single person cannot make all suffering disapear, but can make conscious decision to do as much as possible and refuse to support abuse of animals. All your actions resonate -  if you cannot do 100% , do 20% or 3 %. Respect life, in all shapes and forms - you're part of this huge ecosystem, but not the most importand part. Be thoughfull, be carying, be kind." 

-Malgorzata, Poland 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Vegan Craftivist Meet-Up #2

Yesterday, we got together once again to craft on behalf if nonhuman animals. It was a small but lovely international group. 

This time I chose a public venue, which worked out quite well. Many people wondered what we were doing, so next time I'll have to have more obvious signs. I think people here are too shy to come up and ask questions. 

Here are a few photos. Stay tuned for photos if the new banner submissions.

A third meet up is being scheduled for World Vegan Month, so stay tuned for details :)

Friday, October 3, 2014

Submission #7


Our family is vegan because we choose to actively practice non-violence in our home and in our lives.  

-Heidi, Canada