Sunday, August 24, 2014

Vegan Craftivist Kits Now Available!

If you would like to take part in this project but don't have materials, then send an email to vegancraftivist (AT) for a vegan craftivist kit.
Many colors and patterns are available, so be sure to let me know your color preference.

Once completed, then mail your banner back! It all fits in a standard letter sized envelope.
Once I collect 100 banners from vegans world-wide, I will be sewing them together to display in vegan establishments and demonstrations.
Why vegan craftivism? Because we can make an impact for non-human animals through craft. By creating, I hope to make others think "Why Vegan for Non-human Animals." 


  1. That's awesome - can't wait to see what you come up with for your banner :)
